My Story

If you were to review my resume, you’d see that I moved up the corporate ladder, earned a Chemistry Master’s degree, and steadily increased my salary and title. But what my resume doesn’t show is that no matter how many boxes I checked, I still felt unfulfilled.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because you, too, are an ambitious first-gen WOC who has accomplished everything you were told you should do—excelling in school, landing a respected career, making your family proud. And yet, despite all this, there’s something inside you that remains unfulfilled. You’ve likely had a business idea on your heart for a while, but maybe you haven’t made the leap yet. What you may not realize is that this feeling of dissatisfaction often comes from being conditioned to believe your worth is tied to external success—like financial achievements or other people’s approval. I know this well, because that was me, too. On paper, I had everything: a prestigious job, financial security, and career milestones. But what was missing was the deep sense of personal fulfillment that comes from pursuing what truly matters to you.

That’s when I decided to break the cycle and follow the calling to build something of my own. I realized that my mission was to create space for voices like mine—for first-gen WOC —to know they have a place in entrepreneurship. That heart-led business idea you’ve been carrying? It deserves to come to life. Today, we have the opportunity to tap into the strength and wisdom passed down to us while carving a new path that honors both where we come from and where we’re going. You don’t have to reject your roots to grow beyond them. You get to choose which traditions and values will help you build the business and life you’ve always imagined.

I know from my own journey that we’re often led to believe our value is tied to external achievements and the approval of others. But true fulfillment comes when we step into our purpose and bring our heart-led vision to life. Like you, I did everything “right,” but eventually realized I wasn’t living my own life—I was living out someone else’s expectations.

Now, I’m here to help women like you break that cycle and grow the business that’s been on your heart. You don’t have to stay on the path someone else designed for you. Together, we can tap into your strengths, honor your roots, and carve out a future that brings fulfillment and success—on your terms.

Book a call to start growing your heart-led business and begin rewriting your story.

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Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome with Sukhi Kaur